The Use of the Prepositions в and на  with the Prepositional

Предлоги в и на с предложным падежом


REMEMBER the use of the prepositions в or на with the words listed in the table:



где? (where?)

в (in, at)


где? (where?)

на (at, in, on)

в магазине (at a shop)

в больнице (at a hospital)

в университете (at a university)

в школе (at school)

в театре (at a theatre)

в цирке (at/in a circus)

в библиотеке (at a library)

в гостинице (at  a hotel)

в клубе (in/at a club)

в классе (in a classroom)

в стране (in a country)

в деревне (in a village)

в городе (in a city)

в парке (in a park)

в Москве (in Moscow)


в санатории (at a sanatorium)

в академии (at an academy)

в аудитории (in a lecture-hall)

в здании (in a building)

в России (in Russia)

в Англии (in England)

в Сибири (in Siberia)


в углу (in a corner)

в лесу (in a forest)

в саду (in a garden)

в снегу (in snow)

в шкафу (in a cupboard)

в Крыму (in the Crimea)










на работе (at work)

на фабрике (at a factory)

на заводе (at a factory)

на вокзале (at a station)

на почте (at a post office)

на остановке (at a stop)

на уроке (at a lesson)

на экзамене (at an examination)

на концерте (at a concert)

на вечере (at an evening party)

на спектакле (at a performance)

на выставке (at an exhibition)

на съезде (at a congress)

на стадионе (at a stadium)

на рынке (at the market)

на родине (in one's native country)

на улице (in/on a street)

на Кавказе (in the Caucasus)

на Урале (in the Urals)

на Кипре (in Cyprus)

на юге (in the south)

на севере (in the north)

на востоке (in the east)

на западе (in the west)

на бульваре (on a boulevard)


на лекции (at a lecture)

на конференции (at a conference)

на репетиции (at a rehearsal)

на собрании (at a meeting)

на занятии (at a class)

на экскурсии (on an excursion)

на площади (in /on a square)


на мосту (on the bridge)

на берегу (on the bank)

на носу (on the nose)

