The Accusative Singular of Adjectives

Винительный падеж имён прилагательных (ед. число)


The Russian adjective changes according to gender, number and case.

An adjective qualifies its head-noun and agrees with it, i.e. it has the same gender, number and case.




какой? какого?





Adjectives which qualify inanimate masculine or neuter nouns take the same endings in the accusative as in the nominative. Adjectives with the stem in ж, ш, ч, щ take the same endings as the adjectives with the stem in a hard consonant, if the ending is stressed.

Feminine adjectives with the stem in  ж, ш, ч, щ take the same ending as the adjectives with the stem in a hard consonant, if the ending is stressed or unstressed.

новый большой (дом)

новое большое (здание)

новую большую хорошую (комнату)




Masculine and neuter adjectives with the stem in ж, ш, ч, щ take the same endings as adjectives with the stem in a soft consonant, if the ending is unstressed.  Feminine adjectives whose stem ends in a soft consonant take the ending  -юю

хороший синий (дом)

хорошее синее (здание)

синюю (комнату)




Adjectives which qualify animate masculine nouns take the same endings in the accusative as in the genitive.   Adjectives which qualify animate feminine nouns take the same endings in the accusative as adjectives which qualify inanimate feminine nouns.

нового хорошего (друга)


новую хорошую (подругу)




