Declension of Demonstrative Pronouns in the Plural

Ñêëîíåíèå óêàçàòåëüíûõ ìåñòîèìåíèé âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå


Demonstrative pronouns in the plural agree with the nouns they qualify in number and case.


Case Plural
Question Demonstrative  Pronouns Endings
Nominative êàêèå? ýòè, òå /
Acc. inanimate
Acc. animate êàêèõ? ýòèõ, òåõ -èõ/-åõ
Prepositional î êàêèõ? îá ýòèõ, î òåõ
Dative êàêèì? ýòèì, òåì -èì/-åì
Instrumental êàêèìè? ýòèìè, òåìè -èìè/ìè

